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Friday, January 14, 2022



Vamana is the one part of panchakarma in Ayurveda.

After the svedana, the procedure of Vamana is portrayed.

We compare two asaya with GI track, amasay and pakvasay the 3rd one pachayamanasay is late arrival and is not classical, though it helps to explain dosa, again etc. in a better way, in liaison with the embryological division of the foregut, midgut and hindgut.

Amasya attracts everything food and secretion to its indoors and thereafter absorbs the nutrients. It is the classical seat of Agni. pakvasay is involved in excretion-expulsion Masaya is concerned with absorption(samanavayu),pakvasaya is concerned with expulsion(apana vayu)
Agni is considered as a byproduct of food(aharasambgavo Agni) 

The abnormality of Agni in different levels is the responsible cause of the majority of ninja(endogenous) diseases. there are also environmental and genetic backgrounds that play their share

  Vamana (emesis) is to be specially administered for persons suffering from navajvara (fever of recent origin), atisāra (diarrhoea), Adha pittas (bleeding disorder through the lower orifices), räjayakṣma (tuberculosis), kustha (skin diseases), mēha (turbid polyuria including diabetes), space (cervical lymphadenitis), granthi (lumps / glandular swellings/benign tumours), slipada (filariasis), unmāda (insanity), käsa (cough), vasa (dyspnoea), hrlläsa (nausea), visarga (erysipelas and cellulitis), stanyadoşa (vitiated breast milk) and those suffering from urdhva rõgās (diseases of head & neck).
  स्वेदविधि स्नेहविधि  are the necessary prerequisites before contemplating should be understood thatस्नेहविधि स्वेदविधि act through the fat and water. Toxins are absorbed through water and eliminated through the water. In the context of the body, water is at par with Kapha dosa and to a lesser extent pitta does.


The persons contraindicated for Vamana (emesis) are pregnant women, who are rūksa (dehydrated), the hungry, melancholic, children, the aged, the emaciated, the obese, those suffering from heart diseases, the injured, the weak, prasaktavamathu (those who have continuous bouts of vomiting), those who suffer from splenomegaly, timer (defective vision), intestinal worms, belching and bleeding from upper orifices, who have been administered vasti (enema), who have hoarseness of voice, mutraghāta (obstructive uropathy), udara (ascites), gulma (abdominal fullness), who respond to emesis with difficulty, who have bulimia, who are suffering from arsa (piles), udāvarta (retrograde intestinal movements), bhrama (giddiness), astila (enlargement of the prostate), pain in the flanks and diseases caused by vāta. But, those suffering from poisons, gara (compound poisons), indigestion and who have consumed virudhänna (incompatible food)" are exempted from the contraindications of Vamana.

  *People who have uncontrolled hypertension or preexisting cardiac pathology are not entertained for sadyovamana or sadyo virėcana.

The procedure done for inducing Vamana can be comprehended thus: at around 5 am, the day next to svēdakarma, the patient is given a stomachful of milk, again at 6 am, sweetened curd. This induces secretions of mucus in the stomach. At 7 am, he is given 500 ml phända kvātha of yaşti Madhu (from around 2 Its, prepared the day before). After this, a paste of pippali curņa 10gms, yasti Madhu cūrņa 5 gms, saindhava lavaṇa 5 gms and 15 ml honey, all mixed to make a bolus is also given. After half hour, again phända kvātha of yaşti Madhu is given till vomiting ensues. When vomiting starts, a warm mixture of milk and water is given with saindhava lavaṇa. ( reference: commentary on astang hrdaya by T.SREEKUMAR, MD, PhD)For selective reading: SADYOVAMANA, SADYOVIRECHANA - It is the time of 'no time for anything' now. People are on a hectic run, for God knows what for. In this era, no wonder, the judicious use of Ayurvedic tools as vand vinicams are frowned upon, however effective these are. The new generation of people working in professions as IT are not ready to accept tools of a system of medicine that demands a month or more of serious treatment. It is at min juncture that some of our professionals have begun to think about a change in the pattern of our therapies so as to considerably lessen the time frame required for these. These therapies are attended with benefits and lacunae. The main benefit is of saving time. Risks and complications attended with classic mode of therapies can be considerady lessened too, according to the advocates of this technique. However, many are skeptical of the effects got after suchfast tract techniques, as the essential prerequisites of any cleansing therapy like sněhana and svědans are not properly addressed here and hence, döşotkléśa may not be achieved. Though I am not a subscriber to these emergency pañcakarma therapies', I think it my duty to show-case the current trends in evolution in pacakarma.

The philosophy of this discipline, as I have understood is this: that almost all diseases have an involvement of kapha in it, more so in diseases of uras. These include bronchitis with severe productive cough, acid peptic disease, refur esophagitis with Indigestion, nausea and excessive salivation. In such conditions, a single směka (as abayasiga) and svéda (simple fomentation all over the body) is done, followed the next day by vamana and the third day by vinicame using a curga virécana of relevance. This procedure is done also for indolent skin conditions; hepatitis etc, as also in persons in whom already executed virëcana was unsuccessful because of apravṛtti or ürdhvapravrtti. People who have uncontrolled hypertension or preexisting cardiac pathology are not entertained for sadyovamana or sadyő virécuna.

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